Monday, 12 October 2009

On Saturday the fascist English Defence League came to Manchester looking for trouble. The Police did a good job keeping them apart from the anti fascist protesters , restricting their efforts to lots of shouting and skirmishes.

Friday, 9 October 2009

a few pictures from four hectic days covering the tory party conference in Manchester , including the obligatory 'leader points to non specific point in audience , symbolising his party pointing positively to the future' shot . berluddy media trained politicians!

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Love on the buses

These are pictures of Manchester artist Sarah Evans who is collecting people's love stories by talking to them on her bus route. I went to photograph her at Chorlton bus station and I popped in to a nearly bar to find a couple willing to be in the background of some pictures. The old guy just wandered into one of the shots and made my favourite of the set!